Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Found love....

Okay, ladies... If you dont have one you need one. I recently returned from working a beauty trade show for Sarah's mom's company. It is a great beauty product that has made washing my face/keeping my hair dry/keeping curls from falling out prematurely/or just to help keep Caitlyn's hair out of her face when she is puking in the middle of the night. (No joke- real story. It was very handy) The possibilities are endless. Oh - and they are packaged really, really, cute, so they make great gifts. They also come in a great array of colors. I have hot pink and lime green. :)
check out the website for a cute video of it! http://www.tassicompany.net/


Heather said...

How is it that after all these years I don't have a blasted Tassi? What the crap? I've lived across the street from the owner's for how many years? Well not anymore. :) I need to get one ASAP.

Heather said...

By the way... random fact. The invitation you have diplayed in the right hand corner is sportin' my birthday on it. :) Do I get to win a Tassi for that? Ha ha ha...

Wilm2RS said...

Best invention EVER!!! I've had mine since it was in its beginning-trial stages. LOVE IT!

Briann said...

This looks awesome, where can i get one?