Okay. Get ready for a long post. This is all of Christmas.
Glad to have this done!
Temple Christmas Lights:

Yearly Christmas photo. It was the best one I promise.
Harmon/Standage Family Home Evening:
We started the tradition of having a Family Home Evening before Christmas with the Harmon/Standage clan. Who's in charge of it goes down by age. This year it was Abby and Jeff. They did a great job and provided some awesome enchiladas.

Cole boy. I love the smile. Abby is in the back Skyping with Miki and Jake. We also Skyped with Aaron and Summer earlier. It was good to get them included in on the party!

Great Grandma's Breakfast:Every year we have a breakfast with Great Grandma Vance and all he extended cousins. We act out the Nativity and sing Christmas songs. Its a lot of fun.

Caitlyn had her turn of playing Mary this year

Mas the shepard - what a ham.

Nathan was also a shepard

The "shepards hooks" soon became weapons

Our three angels. So cute

The whole crew - minus a couple wandering shepards :)
I love this picture. I'm so glad a thought to take it.
Christmas Eve:

Our great neighbors Bob and Sandy had their daughter knit these hats for Caitlyn and Nathan. They love them and wore them all night!
We watched Polar Express and earlier in the day we watched A Christmas Story - this must be done every year.
We also ordered TGIFridays. It has become a tradition. Usually we go there on Christmas night when all of the family stuff is over , but this year schedules did not permit, so we carried on the tradition by getting it Christmas Eve. I think it counts.
Christmas Morning:

The kids have to wait until we say we are ready for them to come in. Thats how it was when I was growing up. We were not allowed in until the video camera was set up, camera ready, fire lit, and Christmas music was playing. I loved it and its a tradition I like to carry on. It makes it more special. Plus I love the pictures of them running into the room.

Chad did well. Two words: Banana Republic.

The one and only thing Chad wanted for Christmas. Chad also likes to spoil Christmas by figuring out all of his gifts. He resorts to all sorts of childish ways of shaking and feeling all of his gifts. So when Sarah came up with a grand idea of wrapping up a book about guns instead I knew I had to do it. When he opened it we couldnt stop laughing. I dont think he knew what to do next. I wish I had a picture of it, but we do have video.

Alison with one of her new toys.
Here's a tip: Want good infant toys? Check out Good will. They put a bunch of them in one bag and price them at $1.99 or $2.99. Then go there on Thursdays when they have dollar day and get the corresponding week for one buck! I got a ton of toys of $4.00. Put a little elbow grease in (scouring them) and voila! new baby toys that didnt cost an arm and a leg.

Wow. This got a great reaction.

The best toy of the day for Nathan. He LOVES this thing.
Harmon/Standage Gathering:

Little Miss Katie. What else can you say.

I couldnt resist taking a picture of Cole in his shirt of choice. Its awesome.

We had a great lunch provided by mom. This picture is mainly posted because it contains Randy. Not only to tick him off a little but to show that his is real. He is really good a dodging a camera or ruining a picture so you will delete it.

We gave Grandma Vance bath stuff. She thought it was great to use for bopping kids on the head.
O'Loughlin gathering:

Nathan still loves his Rocket.

Cute right? Love the shirt. (shout out Sarah!) Did you notice Nathan's corrdinating shirt as well?

A special gift from Grandma O'Loughlin. It is Ariel on a carousel horse. She will get a new one every year until the carousel is finished. How adorable is that! I love it - and so does Caitlyn.

We were REALLY spoiled by Brian and Norma. Caitlyn got this Fancy Nancy doll from them as well as a Fancy Nancy telephone.

Alison got this great floor play tower - I dont know exactly what they are called, but they are THE BEST! I had been wanting one of these for a couple of weeks but couldnt bring myself to buy it. How Norma knew that I have no idea but I was so excited to have this for her. She loves it and plays with it everyday.
So that it. A complete synopsis of our Christmas festivites. We hope you had a great holiday season as well.
1 comment:
Holy smokes! That was a long post. I'm so far behind I'm dreading catching up. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! And bytheway, I totally remember that coca-cola thing. It was your parents right?
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