Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Like riding a bike

Going back to school has not be a huge adjustment at our house. Caitlyn was excited. She practically left me in the dust to get to her class, and that is saying alot considering that she is on crutches right now.
Nathan's first day is today. I just put him on the bus. The bus. It was such a tramatic experience for me last year, but I have adjusted and this year it was a smooth transition. Nathan went on like nothing was out of the summer ordinary. He put on his backpack and hit the road, but not before I could get a few choice pictures. You could tell he was thinking "Eh, whats the big deal. A bus."
Caitlyn on her way to her first day of school yesterday

I got to go into her classroom because she cant carry her backpack right now. I know, your thinking, put it on her back, but I'm telling you with the weight of her lunchbox (she should definitely not go hungry with the amount of food I supply her) it throws off her balance. Anyway, I snuck a picture of her in the classroom. I'm pretty sure its frowned upon at school because of all of the other kids.

Nathan couldnt stop posing for pictures. He just kept saying "Cheese" - he was ready for his close up. Acutally, I just know that he likes the flash on the camera. He laughs everytime.
Whatever works, right?

1 comment:

Kasey said...

What cuties! I can't believe you have both kids in school! Time for another. ;)