Tuesday, April 7, 2009

meger updates

I feel like I should let people know that we are here.... we just have nothing to blog about right now. Same old, same old.

Here are a couple of quick updates for time-marking purposes:

-We are getting new carpet installed in our bedrooms on Thursday. Horray! It's been a long time coming.
-Nathan has stopped throwing consistant tantrams at school which has his teachers shouting horray!
-We have our ultrasound a week from Wednesday.

Any predictions on the sex? We are definitely finding out, and we will definitely be letting everyone know. We're not into the surprise thing. Besides, I like shopping for baby clothes too much. A surprise would take away some of the fun!


Amanda said...

If it's any comfort, I didn't feel my first until about 18 weeks because the placenta was high and on the front. I hope all goes well with the U/S next week!

Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

I hope everything goes well with the ultrasound! As for the gender...you have one of each, so...it's a hard call!

Kasey said...

Yeah for new carpet! I know you've been wanting it for a long time!

I'm sure everything will turn out okay. I'm excited to find out what you're having!

Lanae said...

can't wait to hear the news. we need to hang out with our "cool" friends soon. give me a call and we will make plans.