Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hit a lull

I went a little crazy yesterday (with the help of Sarah - thank you Sarah). I reorganized my pantry to get the almighty freezer in there. Organizing is very theraputic for me. Now that it is done I just want to go and sit in there. It feels peaceful. The only problem with doing that is there is no light and it can get pretty lonely, so I'll just enjoy it when I pass through.

Dont think that the reorganization is lost on the kids, especially Nathan. All afternoon yesterday he kept bringing me crackers and pudding. Its like when you are cleaning the playroom and toys are discovered again. To them it must feel like Christmas to be reunited with these belongings.
So, to explain the title of this post: Today I have hit a lull. I'm not sure if its because I worked really hard yesterday, but I cant seem to find energy to do anything. It must be a growing day for the baby because I could seriously sleep the day away and that is SO not me. Its actually driving me bonkers. Hopefully tomorrow will bring more spring in my step!
Before. Well, just after I started. If this was a true before picture you would see the ironing board out with clothes hanging off of it. It has hardly been put away for the past five years. Now it it hanging from the wall on a nice little organizer. - so interesting right?

Doesnt that look nice? You can click to enlarge it your interested in what food we eat. I really want to get some can organizers. Holy crap do you know how expensive those are? Seriously, I couldnt believe it. Does anyone have a good idea for alternative can storage? I know that has to be some ideas floating around out there.
The three shelves on the right will be coming out to make room for the freezer. Sarah helped me figure out where to put everything. Now I have a shelves designated to breakfast, drinks, kids, cans baking, fruit, and non-food supplies. My year supply is up high on the top and out of the way. And yes, I know that is not a full year supply. Were working on it, but I tell you what: we have a lot of rice.
A LOT was thrown away. It made me sad. I hate to be wasteful, but I went by expiration dates. My mom would have had a cow at some of the stuff I got rid of. I did find myself questioning whether some stuff was really bad or not, but in the end I had to chuck it. Chad and I just watched a show called "Hoarders" on A&E (if you havent had the pleasure, we highly recommend it) and featured was a food hoarder. She kept everything, spoiled or not in hopes that she could use it. It was disgusting. So, when I found myself saying things she said I quickly disposed of the items vowing to never be like her. I know - she's an extreme, but it scares me.

A genius idea donned on me while I was organizing - you can write with a dry erase marker on Tupperware. AHHH - did the heavens just open up for you too?

1 comment:

Kasey said...

Wanna come to my house? Everytime Frys or Albertsons has a fantastic deal I get more crap and then I have to re-do my pantry or just shove crap in there. It's never ending!

Maybe you need to go to your fav place IKEA. I bet they have a stoarge solution for ya.