If Nathan is calm and laying still, it means that he is sick. He has been wanting juice and movies all morning. He is totally thrilled with Lightning McQueen and apple juice.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
This never happens
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
8:43 AM
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Ho Ho Ho!
Santa has been here! The Santa that comes to the O'Louughlin house really prefers a good piece of peach pie over the cookies. Caitlyn thought it a very lucky situation that Santa likes pie and we happen to have some left over from a family party. Lucky indeed.
Merry Christmas!
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
9:33 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
Despereaux or Desper-"neaux"
This is just all around an unhealthy display of how to deal with the lemons that life gives you.
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
3:15 PM
Happy Birthday Caitlyn
Today is Caitlyn's 6th birthday. Holy cow! She has been so excited all month about this. As with our tradition, we start snapping pictures even before the kids are fully awake on their birthday. Caitlyn is such a morning person. Here are her 6 year old morning pictures.
After she woke up, we had one little present for her. This girl absolutely loves dress up and anything princess. We got this set that has a "happy birthday" crown. She gets to wear this to school today. You would not believe the excitement over this. She really thinks that she will be the princess of the school. As long as she doesn't start trying to find a prince. She has her eye on a boy in her class. She told us that Tristan is a very handsome boy.
We are meeting Grandpa and Grandma O'Loughlin for dinner at Red Robin tonight. That has been Caitlyn's long time favorite restaurant. She says its because they have corn dogs and balloons. She must be part carnie. State fair here we come!
We love you Caitlyn. Happy Birthday!
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
5:47 AM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Daddy's done it
I had to push it too far. I had to do it one more time (even after Emily said stop). I feel like poop.
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
5:01 PM
Friday, December 5, 2008
Dont forget to enter to win a free Unlikely Letter Board! Click here for details:
(scroll down for new blog posts)
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
9:07 AM
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
8:50 AM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Day of Thanks
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
8:46 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Freebies? I love Freebies
Okay - so there is a drawing being held at
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
8:08 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008
Need a cool, different, fun gift for Christmas?Check this out http://unlikelyletters.blogspot.com/
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
4:05 PM
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Our House : The Kitchen
Previously on "Our House", the family room was reviewed. All the comments were appreciated, and in a shameless effort to solicite additional pats on the back, here are some pictures of the kitchen.

Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
4:31 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween has come and gone and the kids had a great time. This year they got to pick what they wanted to be. Can you imagine that! I didnt care if they matched, I know it is a big step for me.
We visited Target yesterday morning and Caitlyn helped pick out her costume for next year. I'm taking the lazy way out, no sewing, gluing or assembly of any kind. Luckily for me, she picked out something that I could match Nathan really easily too. I can now have a big sigh of relief :) but I cant tell what the costumes are.... you'll have to wait 'til next year.
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
7:54 AM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Don't ask me twice
So we had some requests to see pictures of our house. To be honest we had one request, but I did read it several times.
Before I post the new pictures, I want to either show for the first time, or remind people what we moved into. This will only be about the family room. That is all that I felt like cleaning right now.
Here goes.
Take notice of the gross slump block fireplace over there looking a tad 1965-ish.
Make sure you soak in the beauty of the exposed beams in the ceilings. Make sure you also relish in the luxurious "popcorn" ceilings that have marinated in the smokiness of 2 disgusting foremer owners
Finally here is a small sneak peak of the kitchen from the family room. You can only imagine the destruction that took place in there.
Now, hold on to your hats. Here come the afters. This is the current state of our family room. I hope that you find it a little fantastic.
Here is the corresponding picture to the first one posted. Notice the remodeled foreplace complete with flagstone seat. Notice the lovely carpet and repainted walls. But, make sure that you absorb the most significan undertaking. Recessed lighting in a flat roofed house. (Flat roof houses do not have attic space.)
Finally the sneak peek into the kitchen. We worked hard on this room, and we are totally happy with the way it turned out. Hope you like the new look>
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
5:48 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What used to be fun
Painting. When we first got our condo, back in the day, I couldnt wait to paint. It was fun to see our little place transform just by picking a new color; putting our stamp on the place. I have now decided that a lifetime retirement from painting is in my near future.
We are so happy to finally have our ceilings done. Looking at holes for a couple of years has not been a highlight of our house, but painting these new ceilings has been draining. Everyday they are staring me in the face, taunting me until I finish them. Today I am working on this -what feels like - a never-ending process.
We worked really hard on Saturday and Chad and I finished the painting in our family room. What an accomplishment! Yeah! our room feels home-y and inviting. Its a breath of fresh air! It made me so excited that I am anxious to finish the rest of the house so we can actually wake up on a Saturday and not already have our day planned with house work. I know that is Chad's dream too :)
So, enough with the complaining. Its time for me to get to work. Plus, I just bought some cute drapes for my dining room and I cant hang them up until the ceiling is painted. There's my motivations for the day.
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
12:05 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
One Final Push
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
8:02 AM
Monday, October 6, 2008
What was yours?
Who gave your favorite talk during conference and why? I would love to hear your thoughts!
Mine was Elder Corbridge - in the Saturday afternoon session. It was a talk that was completely different to me. I appreciated his plainess in speaking. He had no stories (not that I dislike stories - Im always glued when President Monson starts talking) and his sentences were short and to the point. If you didnt get to see it, I highly recommend looking it up. If you can get video feed of it I suggest that to. There was something in his delivery that I was completely drawn to. I really appreciated his words about reaching high standards and how life teaches us that if the bar is set high, we learn that only a few choice people can reach it, but how that earthly lesson does not apply to spiritual greatness.
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
7:57 AM
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
If anyone would like to have an activity packet for children. Let me know I have a great packet that a friend sent me for General Conference that I would be happy to forward to you. Just leave me your email!
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
8:06 PM
Friday, September 26, 2008
Construction Conversation
Me: I just saw a car with an Alaska license plate. That would be a rough drive.
Employee: Especially over the water.
Me: Where do you think Alaska is?
Employee: It is an island by Russia, right?
Me: It's connected by Canada!
Employee: Oh.....It's been since 5th grade since I had a geometry class.
Me: That's nice, but when was your last geography class.
Employee: Oops! At least I got the "G" and the "try" right.
Me: It's geograPHY!.....You're fired.
Totally a true story. This was from a 35 yr old.
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
5:35 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
a little prick on the knee?
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
4:47 PM
While we were gone
We had a lot happing at our humble abode. Our ceilings were finally completed (minus the painting) and we couldn't be happier. Well, we could be happier if the process wouldnt have left a layer of dust on everything that we own. Seriously, every crack, shelf, table is covered in dust. My mom was nice enough today to come over and help me wipe down the walls. yes folks every wall has to be cleaned to. But really, it is nice to have the work completed. We finally feel like we are close to having our house done. I started to think about it today, and I honestly dont know what we will do when our house is "complete". We will be bored, but it will be a good bored :)
these pictures of the finished product may not look like much to most people, but they look like heaven to us. We've been staring at holes in our ceilings for too long.
I would like to give a huge shout out of thanks to all the men that came over to help Chad move all of our furniture. It really means a lot.
I would also like to give a huge thank you to my sweet husband for all of his hard work.
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
4:41 PM
Monday, September 22, 2008
All alone

Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
3:53 PM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A Weekend getaway
Well, I'm off for the weekend with the kids. Just me, my mom and two children in the car for ten hours until the treck finishes in Sacramento - more specifically - "Aunt Sissy's house". Caitlyn couldnt be more excited to see her cousins and play, but when she realized that she was going to miss school elephant tears began to roll down her face. She said with tears streaming " but how am I going to learn?". It was a sincere, heart - felt concern of hers that she was going to be behind the curve when she returned on Wednesday of next week. I explained to her that I would make assignments for her while we were away and that we could have lessons with her cousins. This soothed her for the time being. When I took her to school this morning she explained that she was going to say goodbye to all of her friends because she will miss them so much "I'll even miss Brendan" she said. And so my perspective goes back and remembers the time when time seemed to crawl. I remember sitting for hours (or what seemed like it) on our kitchen floor watching the clock and waiting for a friend's birthday party to start that afternoon. Little things to a child make such a huge impact.
We'll have a great time, but we'll miss Chad. He has been out of town since Sunday afternoon and we are definitely feelin' it. We are leaving tomorrow to help ease the pain of the construction that will be going on at our house over the weekend. The construction will leave our house pretty much unliveable and therefore, impossible to have kids in. So, visiting family seems like a good option. Chad is coming home tomorrow to move all of our funiture out of the house to help with the work on the ceilings - so if anyone has a husband to spare on a Friday night... send them to our house because he'll be working into the wee hours of the morning to ge the place ready.
So - until next week... signin' off!
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
6:17 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Where have we been? What has been doing on? Well, let me catch you up on the antics of Caitlyn and Nathan...
So a couple of weeks ago Caitlyn was watching her new favorite - "Kewlopolis" (Channel 5 - Saturday mornings) because it has Horseland and Strawberry Shortcake. Anyway, in the middle of these shows a huge informercial played about "The Biggest Little Bag Ever". Caitlyn was totally convinced - and will still make the argument for- that we definitely need this. Because in her words (quoted by the commercial) "it can hold up to three full-sized water bottles". Believe me if I could rely the passion in her voice about this feat I would.
She is also convinced that the Aqua Grow is a necessity for life. We were walking through Walmart when all of a sudden Caitlyn exclaimed "Theres the Aqua Globe. We need that. You just put it into the soil and it waters your plants for you!"
So congratulations marketing agents. It appears that when Caitlyn was born so was a sucker for your marketing ploys.
Heaven help us on the day she gets hold of a credit card.
Nathan's little imagination has been growing and growing. On this day, he was a astronaut. You have no idea how much it gives me joy to see him dressing up and enjoying it. It was almost time for his bus when I took this picture. I tried to remove his astronaut vest to which he replied softly "no" while putting his had over it. It was really adorable. If he hadnt removed it a couple of minutes later I would have been glad to let him wear it to school. You're only a kid once, right?
On Saturday we went to Bartlett Lake with Chad's family. It ended up being us and Mike and Janna, and we had a great time. Well, almost all of us...
This pretty much sums up what Nathan did most of the time. It was a little overwhelming for him. If he was up on deck he looked like this, but he spent most of his time down in the cabin enjoying his little cave of space. He came up and had fun when we were docked for lunch - which leads us to believe that it may be the motor that scared him.
He also had to go the the bathroom pretty bad. How do you explain to a child - especially Nathan - that in this situation it is okay to go in the water, but it's not okay at home or anywhere else. Yeah, didnt work. So we took him to the marina and he was a lot happier after that.
Caitlyn had such a great time. She couldn't wait until it was her turn to get back out on the water. She rode the tube and the Hot Dog for quite awile. Everyone managed to get me out on the Hot Dog with Caitlyn and Chad with the promise that I would be pulled back in so I could get directly on to the boat. Chad says it a irrational fear - I say it is purely sanitary.
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
8:00 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A birthday surprise
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
12:47 PM
Like riding a bike
Posted by
O'Loughlin Family
12:35 PM